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Translate the English adjectives to Spanish and type them in the correct position in relation to each noun.
ai tarea
Na2. English: some, interesting
a3 muchacha
a4. English: sad, a
la5 tarea
16. English: a lot, difficult
a7 amigos
a8. English: new, a lot
a9 hermanos
19. English: young, the


Click here for help in typing Spanish charactersTranslate the English adjectives to Spanish and type them in the correct position in relation to each nounai tar class=

Respuesta :

A4 triste
A3Muchacha= girl
La5 homework
16 mucho, dificil
A7 friends
A8 Nuevo, mucho
A9 brothers or brothers & sisters
19 la joven or los jo’venes


1. Alguna tarea interesante.

2. Una muchacha triste.

3. Mucha tarea dificil.

4. Muchos amigos nuevos.

5. Los hermanos jóvenes.


As stated on the image, in this activity we have to translate the English adjectives, quantifiers and articles into spanish and complete the sentences by putting them in the correct spot.

In Spanish, the quantifiers, or determiners go before the noun. In this case we have the determiners some (alguno, alguna, algunos, algunas), a lot (mucho, mucha, muchos, muchas); and the articles the (el, la, los, las) and a (un, una, unos, unas).

The adjectives are

1. Interesting (Interesante)

2. Sad (Triste)

3. Difficult (Dificil)

4. New (Nuevo)

5. Young (Joven)

After translating the terms, we have to us them in the appropriate form, depending on whether the noun in singular, plural, masculine or feminine.