
The English public, now consuming some eighteen pounds of sugar a year, knew little about the lives of the enslaved Africans whose labor sweetened their meals. Worse yet, every Englishman who hammered the wood, sewed the sails, manufactured the rope for slave ships, or built the barrels to hold slave-harvested sugar made his money from the slave trade. The English were getting richer because Africans were being turned into property. Clarkson and others who believed as he did, who in the coming decades would be called abolitionists, realized that while that link gave the English a stake in slavery, it also gave the antislavery forces an opportunity. If they could reverse the flow—make the horrors of slavery visible to those who benefited from it—they might be able to end the vile practice forever.

–Sugar Changed the World,
Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos

Which quotation provides evidence to support the claim that the sugar trade led to the end of slavery?

“The English public . . . knew little about the lives of the enslaved Africans whose labor sweetened their meals.”
“Every Englishman who . . . built the barrels to hold slave-harvested sugar made his money from the slave trade.”
“The English were getting richer because Africans were being turned into property.”
“While that link gave the English a stake in slavery, it also gave the antislavery forces an opportunity.”

Respuesta :


“While that link gave the English a stake in slavery, it also gave the antislavery forces an opportunity.”


The antislavery movement were the ones who ended slavery; they were the ones who convince the general public that slavery was a despicable practice which, in time, lead to the abolition of it.

Let's analyze each quotation:

“The English public . . . knew little about the lives of the enslaved Africans whose labor sweetened their meals.” Even after the general public knew the horrors of slavery, a lot them still support it, so we can rule out this one.

“Every Englishman who . . . built the barrels to hold slave-harvested sugar made his money from the slave trade.” This one is telling us nothing about ending slavery; it is just telling us that some people make money with it.

“The English were getting richer because Africans were being turned into property.” Same argument as before.

“While that link gave the English a stake in slavery, it also gave the antislavery forces an opportunity.” This quotation is telling us that while some people supported slavery, there were also people willing to fight against it. That fight led to the abolition of slavery, and that fight wasn't been possible without the horrors of sugar trading.




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