If a​ rifleman's gunsight is adjusted correctly but he has shaky​ arms, he might shoot bullets scattered widely around the​ bull's-eye target. draw a sketch of the target with the bullet holes. does this show variation​ (lack of​ precision) or​ bias

Respuesta :

It shows lack of precision due to a physical obstacle like shaky arms.


Lack of​ precision


Precision is a term used to describe a situation that is close to a correct measurement, but does not correctly measure that measurement. In addition, for a situation to be precise, it is necessary that this situation be repeated and that every repetition shows the same result.

If a situation is repeated and shows different results, it means that this situation is lacking in precision. An example of this can be seen in the question above where a sniper shoots towards a target, does not hit the target and his shots hit places with different distances. You can see a representation of this in the figure below.

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