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In order to bring focus to the wording and structure of a poem, knowing the right intonation one should put on it during the reading is very important. A poem usually sets a rhythm, the words and the structure themselves show a pacing to be followed. It is necessary to pronounce the words well and use voice projection to reach the correct intonation that should be put on the words while reading them. The rhythm sets the pauses and the intensity necessary to read aloud. Then, one's voice should be able to express the poem's rise and falling aspects. The intonation indicates attitudes and emotions while reading, and that is necessary when reading a poem aloud. Thus, the most effective technique for bringing focus to the wording and structure of the poem is intonation based on rhythm. rhymes may also be effective in poems.
Perfect reading does not exist, although it is possible to stress intonation, spelling and rhythm, which consequently brings about the flow of thoughts and poetic devices, such as rhymes, assonance, and more.
Wording and structuring of poems is very dependant on each piece of work of art someone is reading because each one has its own writing style and characteristics. This fact is more common when dealing with contemporary poetry, although it is more precise to state some poetic patterns when reading Romantic poetry, such as the repetition of subjects and a lot of adjectives describing feelings and Nature, or even in such a manner of the Native American poetry, for instance the repetition of words and phrases in the anaphora case. These poetic devices stress different writing styles and consequently highlight their wording and structures.