Most of the population in England migrated to cities in the late eighteenth century because of better _______. A. jobs B. agricultural facilities C. medical facilities D. tax benefits E. houses

Respuesta :


A. jobs


The Industrial Revolution or First Industrial Revolution is the process of economic, social and technological transformation that began in the second half of the 18th century in the Kingdom of Great Britain, which spread a few decades later to a large part of Western Europe and Anglo-Saxon America, and that it concluded between 1820 and 1840. During this period the greatest set of economic, technological and social transformations of the history of the humanity was lived from the Neolithic one, that saw the step from a rural economy based fundamentally on the agriculture and the commerce to an urban, industrialized and mechanized economy. One of the great consequences was:

  • Demographic-social changes: the modernization of agriculture allowed a demographic growth due to the improvement of food. There were also advances in medicine and hygiene, hence the population grew. There was also a migration from the countryside to the city because the occupation in agricultural work fell while the demand for work in the cities increased.


