Respuesta :
The basic idea of the mixed economy is that the means of production are mainly under private ownership; that markets remain the dominant form of economic coordination; and that profit-seeking enterprises and the accumulation of capital remain the fundamental driving force behind economic activity.Governments in mixed economies often provide environmental protection, maintenance of employment standards, a standardized welfare system, and maintenance of competition.Also because our economic system is capitalism.
So just put all those together. Government limited control , we have capitalist economic system & that s why it s best match for the U.S.
So everyone can understand and it is easier on markets and including yourself and the government and the main reason is tax if you buy something and only had dollar bills and your total was 5.31 $ you could not pay the 31 cents or give an extra 69 cents or if we only had coins and had a 50.00 total you would have to count that all out and would take forever instead of just using a 50$ bill
so your answer is tax hope this helped :)