Respuesta :
well one you have to trust eachother dont hide things or lie about stuff tell eachother how you feel about a certain thing
How to get one well first off show her respect she will respect you back do things that have a meaning dont try to hard or over think things do what you think is best meet her parents! thats a big one respect boundaries everone has a limit
its unhealthy if you hide things lie keep secrets do something without the other partner knowing
you would have to ask your friend to give them reasons cause one they could be jealous or they dont get along or your friend will think she is stealing you . But if he/she says bad things about her make sure that you get word from other people cause your friend could lie its a 50 50 .
QUESTION: Love yourself. Being comfortable with who you are means you'll be a happier partner.
Communicate. ...
Be honest. ...
Give each other some space. ...
Agree to disagree. ...
Forgive and ask for forgiveness. ...
Support each other. ...
Talk about sex…openly and honestly.
SIDE QUESTION: To get a girlfriend u just have to be yourself and show her that u want to be more than friends
2. Lack of communication. ...
Loss of emotional intimacy. ...
Passive aggressive behavior. ...
Inability to forgive. ...
Codependent behavior. ...
Substance abuse. ...
Verbal abuse.
3. Honestly do what your heart tells u to do your best friend should respect ur decisions you make
Hope this helps have a great day