need help with my homework

You will create a comic strip that shows a character going through each step of the decision making process.

Step 1. Identify the decision to be made. In a complete sentence, identify the specific decision you need to make based on your situation. Be specific!

Step 2. Examine your options. Create a list of options for your decision. What are your choices in this situation?

Step 3. Consider the pros and cons for each option listed. Fill in the chart included, making notes of at least one positive and one negative for each option. Comic+Strip+Pros+and+Cons.docxPreview the document

Step 4. Identify influences. What are the different influences (internal and external) that might affect the decision?



Step 5. Decide and take action! Identify which option you went with and, in a complete sentence, explain why you think this is the best decision to male!

Step 6. Evaluate your decision. Was your decision a good decision or a bad decision? Why?

Step 7. The facts: Please list three facts about your scenario that you will put into your comic strip.
