A. The majority Hutus slaughtered the minority Tutsis
After Rwanda gained independence from its European colonizers, instead of the situation in the country to improve, it actually started to worsen. The main reason for this was ethno-nationalism.
The majority of the population, the Hutus, had lot of hate toward the minority Tutsis. The reasons for that were historical, as the Tutsis despite being a smaller group managed to occupy the higher positions in the society.
The Hutu lead government initiated military attack on the Tutsis in order to perform genocide and get rid of them. The International Community was surprisingly silent and very slow to react to this, so the genocide was going on for some time. The only positive for the Tutsi minority was that they had their own military which even though was smaller than the Hutu one, it was better trained and better equipped, so it managed to fend off the Hutus and stop the genocide, eventually wining over them and putting end to the conflict.