The introduction of calorically dense foods in Europe and Africa, but also across the world, has had a very positive effect as it reduced the population that suffered from malnutrition.
Prior to the introduction of the foods dense in calories, the populations in these two continents were consuming food that was much less dense in calories. That was resulting in the people being weaker, to suffer from malnutrition, to have shorter lives, and to be more prone to diseases. After the introduction of the calorically dense foods this changed. In Europe especially the well being of the ordinary people skyrocketed as they had food that was giving them more power, they were not hungry, thus the malnutrition is almost nonexistent. In Africa this process has been going in the same direction, but because of all the problems in the continent, it has been a much slower process, so it will take more time that the malnutrition is largely eliminated.