1) A) a gradual dehumanizing effect in which we lose sight of people’s personalities and humor - Technology can be dehumanizing because it is artifical, and humans have not necessarily evolved to adapt to it. Philosophers such as Martin Heidegger and Jacques Ellul have warned about the dehumanizing effects of technology in the past, when it wasn't so prevalent in society
2) C) clearly state that all company e-mails remain the property of the company and do not have any privacy protection - As long as the e-mails referred to are corporate e-mail, and not personal e-mail, the firm can legally monitor all this information as part of its corporate e-mail policy.
3) C) a very detailed business plan over investment in fixed assets - Investment in fixed assets is for the most part a safe bet to obtain profit, therefor a firm that has a good investment strategy on fixed assets will be unlikely to fail.
4) C) software that requires a high annual subscription whether you want the updates or not - this would represent higher unnecessary costs in an intagible asset.
5) A) time management - in order to make sure that the hours are billed correctly.
6) D) POS card reader - self-explanatory. Ideally, POS card readers will be portable.
7) D) telephone companies - Specifically, IBM became a telephone giant, and for that reason was broken up by anti-trust laws in the 1980s.