1. Zach offered to rake Mr. Belding's yard if Mr. Belging would fix the dent in his car. This is an example of a ________________.
2. Slater owns a car, a weight lifting set, and a savings account. These are his _____________.
3. If some disaster struck and everyone ran to the bank to withdraw their money this would be called a ___________________.
4. If i decide to take my computer KC Teleporters public I would need to have an _____________________, which would allow my company to be traded on the stock market.
5. The U.S.'s current _________________ by S&P is AA+ which means they are ''good for it".
6. If Sam and Dean need to travel to Rome from the United States, but they have only U.S. Dollars. They will need to go to a __________________ so that they will be able to pay for their expenses in Rome.
7. The amount of money in circulation at any given time is the _________________________.
8. ________________ started the first central bank of the United States.
9. The Paper U.S. Dollar bill is _______________________ while an U.S. Penny before 1982 is __________________.
10. A ____________________ owns a potion or share of a business and is entitled to _________________ from the company but if the value of ther person's investment increases they must pay ___________________ on it.
11. Wolverine didn't have enough money to replace his damaged costume, so he used ___________________ to buy a new one until he gets paid.
12. If Leonard and Penny decide to go to Australia for vacation, they will need 1500 AUD (Australian Dollars) for hotels, 300 AUD for food, 700 AUD to spend doing things, and 500 AUD for souvenirs. If the exchange rate is 1 AUD = .78 USD (US Dollar), they will need to take _______________ USD.
13. Barry and Cisco traveled to Mexico to chase after a Metahuman. They only had 120 USD (US Dollar) on them. The exchange rate was 18.79 MXN (Mexican Peso) = 1 USD. They will have _______________ Pesos.