Respuesta :
In the lines from Shakespeare's "The Tragedy of Macbeth," Lady Macbeth is talking to herself while she is sleep walking. She feels so guilty that she cannot sleep properly. In that respect, she means that she and Macbeth do not need to fear anything because they are so powerful that nobody will believe they are responsible for killing Duncan. However, she does not actually think so - she is only trying to convince herself of it because she is under the impression that everybody is suspicious of Macbeth.
Lady Macbeth feels guilty. She cannot sleep at night and she sees blood everywehere. She is tortured by Madduff and Banquo's murder. She has forced her husband to commit those murders. In this speech, she sounds as if she were out of her senses; she thinks she should not feel guilty because Macbeth is a soldier and he should not fear death. Lady Macbeth is talking to God-the Lord-. She is trying to justify Macbeth and her " bloody" actions. If you are a soldier, you will kill and not feel guilty. However, she says this in an incoherent speech. She talks to herself.Her guilt makes her speak aloud to herself.