Respuesta :
to skate- patinar
to work- trabaja
to use- usar
to need- necesita
to teach- ensenar
to draw- dibujar
What are some other -AR verbs, you can think of?
Amar (to love)
Caminar (to walk)
Parar (to stop)
Contar (to count)
Llamar (to call)
Present tense of -AR verbs
Lista de verbos -AR
hablar (to talk)
cantar (to sing)
escuchar (to listen)
estudiar (to study)
dibujar (to draw)
nadar (to swim)
montar (to ride)
patinar (to skate)
trabajar (to work)
usar (to use)
necesitar (to need)
enseñar (to teach)
tocar (to play) (an instrument)
jugar (to play) (a sport)
The verb "jugar" is called a stem-changing verb because the "u" in the stem changes to a "ue" when it is conjugated.
Yo juego
Tú juegas
Él/Ella/Ud. juega
Nosotros/Nosotras jugamos
Vosotros/Vosotras jugáis
Ellos/Ellos/Uds. juegan
Conjugation of -AR verbs
To conjugate an -AR verb take the stem of the verb (we will use "hablar" as an example) by dropping the -AR ending "habl-" Then replace it with the correct ending according to the subject:
Yo -o
Tú -as
Usted/Él, Ella -a
Nosotros/Nosotras -amos
Vosotros/Vosotras -áis
Uds./Ellos/Ellas -an
Yo hablo
Tú hablas
Usted/Él, Ella habla
Nosotros/Nosotras hablamos
Vosotros/Vosotras habláis
Uds./Ellos/Ellas hablan