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The impact technological advances in transportation and communication have on the Western culture between wars is that it made transportation and communicating (sharing news) a lot easier.


The technological advances:







The way radios impacted the Western culture between the wars because it made it a lot easier to receive news from different places. Radios also helped broadcast news and allowed many people to hear it at once, wherever they were located at. If there were no radios, it would be hard to get news about things that are currently happening, and you would get your news from the newspaper, which would take a long time to arrive. Radios made it easier to get news. Because of the invention of radios, there were many broadcasts stations built to broadcast news over the radio. Radios were also used for political purposes as well. Radios provided propaganda to reach a massive amount of people.


The way movies impacted the Western culture between the wars because it also spread propaganda. Movies helped share political point of views to the people that were watching, and that made people lean towards certain political stand points. Movies allowed people to make decisions to either help the war or let others help out. Propaganda was a big thing back then to get people to believe in certain political views, and movies were one of the main things that spread propaganda, other than radios.


The way cars impacted the Western culture between the wars because it made transportation a lot easier. Before there were cars, people would either walk or ride a horse to get from one place to another, and that was very exhausting as stressful. Because of the invention of cars, it made it a lot easier to get around places. Cars made it easier to transport soldiers in and out of the battlefield, and made it easier for citizens to get to places like work and home.

