Respuesta :
Answer 1 with Explanation
Option 1 - A way for outside organizations to provide assistance.
There are various ways outside organizations that would provide assistance to the community which would also have their own interest. Along with this, the organization will promote self-skills and productivity for the community disaster. The results order for an extensive coordinated response within a very short notice. The reason for this is because of their unexpected appearance and mischievous nature.
Answer 2 with Explanation
Option 4 - A plan for how everyone should contribute including elderly and disabled individuals
The plan for how everyone should contribute to the community disaster plan is to a great degree, emphasizes how considerably advice is required all across the world. Providentially, natural disasters are a vital problem, and major strides are happening constructed each year, whether it’s developing forecasting of natural disasters or durable acknowledgment after tragedy hits.
Answer 3 with Explanation
Option 5 - A procedure for how volunteer and professional personnel will cooperate.
These plans are very helpful for anyone’s life and are safe to work on as they can provide the community with a lot of safety and less harm due to equal cooperation by everyone in society. There is good support together and people panic or get terrified less and gain the ability to handle the situation better and easily. People can reach out to each other in society in the case of emergencies and provide all kind of support to survive.