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One way or another, they all are. Atticus is the least likely candidate, but his very understanding of everything makes him a gentle man with a great deal of wisdom. He is raising his children with much kindness and a great deal of understanding. He is the parent every child wishes they had, but he's not a mockingbird. Not really.
Tom Robinson was a victim. The shooting was almost accidental and his being killed certainly was. So you could choose Tom. And if you have, go with it.
The real mockingbird, I think, is Boo. But as I've said, if you picked Tom stay with it. Boo was a recluse and a hermit almost. He was forced to come out of his shell. He was courageous with a deep sense of what is right and what isn't. To expose him, as the sheriff said, would be an act of cruelty.
None of them. She is the very essence of female understanding and generous kindness and sympathy. What word is close to that? She's not rude. She's grateful. That's why she gets Boo out of the confusion of her house.
Girly is an awful term for her. She has no feminine wiles. She is sympathetic and kind and understanding. Girly is definitely not the word.
Prejudiced? You must be joking. She's certainly not that. She sees value in everyone she knows except Ewall.
She is inquisitive, but it's an awfully poor answer.
Jem: as he grows older, he confronts the horrors that were part of his childhood. You might be tempted to pick Mayella that that's not a bad choice, except for the fact that she should have admitted to the lie in the first place. It had ramifications that were unseen, until it was too late.
The stem and the choices do not seem to be connected.