
Each of the Spanish sentences below is incorrec in either grammar or meaning. Rewrite each sentence correctly in SPANISH. (WITHOUT AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR)
(Apostrophes replace the accent marks and no upside down ? on 4 and 5 on purpose)

1. El rey que canta est'a tocando el tambor.
The King that used to sing is playing the drum

2. 'El y ella est'a tomanda jugo.
He and she are drinking juice.

3. La princesa todavia canta.
The princess used to sing

4.?Con qui'en llora la reina?
Who does the queen sing with?

5. ?C'omo canta la reina?
Where does the queen sing?

Respuesta :

1. The king that sings is playing the drum.
2.el y Ella están tomando jugo.
3.the princess still sings
4.Who does the queen cry with ?
5.How does the queen sing?

Each of the Spanish sentences below is incorrec in either grammar or meaning. Rewrite each sentence correctly in SPANISH. (WITHOUT AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR)

1. El rey que canta está tocando el tambor.

The King that used to sing is playing the drum

Answer 1: El rey que cantaba está tocando el tambor.

2. Él y ella está tomanda jugo.

He and she are drinking juice.

Answer 2: Él y ella están tomando jugo.

3. La princesa todavia canta.

The princess used to sing

Answer 3: La princesa cantaba.

4. ¿Con quién llora la reina?

Who does the queen sing with?

Answer 4: ¿Con quién canta la reina?

5. ¿Cómo canta la reina?

Where does the queen sing?

Answer 5: ¿Dónde canta la reina?
