Respuesta :
Bonjour !
Pour être en bonne santé, tu dois avoir une alimentation équilibrée.
Tu dois consommer des fruits et des légumes.
Evite les confiseries, les biscuits, les boissons sucrées.
Bois de l'eau.
Ne grignote pas entre les repas.
Il faut avoir au moins 8 heures de sommeil par nuit.
Déplace toi à pied, évite de prendre le bus ou la voiture.
Et surtout fais beaucoup de sport.
A balanced diet is recommended for healthy eating.
Foods should be varied and rich in vitamins and minerals.
They should preferably come from organic farming and even better, 100% natural: without additives or preserving agents and other chemicals products..
The first thing to do on a daily basis is to be well hydrated by drinking water regularly.
Foods to be preferred for a healthy diet:
- Give preference to fresh, local and seasonal products
- Natural foods
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
- Eat less meat and above all better quality
Foods to avoid:
- Sugar except natural sugar
- Foods containing bad fats
- Industrial ready meals
- The sodas
- Viennoiseries, and pastries
The benefits of a healthy and natural diet on the body:
- Feeling better- Stay healthy.
- Rediscovering healthy body weight and fighting obesity and overweight
- A good night's sleep
- Develop concentration
When shopping, choose the least processed products that are closest to their natural state.
Learn to read the labels of the products you eat.
Eating healthy doesn't mean eating sad and bland. It is possible to compose healthy and tasty menus while preserving the pleasure of eating.