In order to solve this, what you need to do is ...
-- take a pencil and a piece of paper
-- draw 4 sets of x/y axes
-- on the first set, draw the square in its original position
-- rotate the square 90° and draw it again, in its new position
-- rotate it 90° more (total of 180°) and draw it again, in its new position
-- rotate it 90° more (total of 270°) and draw it again, in its new position.
-- draw all three 'new' positions on to the first drawing.
Instead of that, I'm going to give you the answer and earn 10 points.
You'll have the answer, but you won't learn anything. Next time you
encounter a similar problem, you still won't know how to look at it,
and you'll need to go asking for help again.
-- The large figure that is formed by the four squares is
a large square, with the origin at its center.
-- The length of each of its sides is '2S' .
-- Its left and right sides are parallel to the y-axis.
Its left side is 'S' to the left of the y-axis.
Its right side is 'S' to the right of the y-axis.
-- Its top and bottom are parallel to the x-axis.
Its top is 'S' above the x-axis.
Its bottom is 'S' below the x-axis.