Respuesta :

The bruise is caused by the bursting of small blood vessels in the skin following the impact. The blood and thus the red blood cells accumulate in the surrounding tissues and form a visible colored spot on the surface of the skin. This "blue" is often painful to the touch and it is especially as the shock was strong. The color of the bruise evolves over time as the hemoglobin in the red blood cells reabsorbs into the skin. First red, then black, bluish and finally green, the bruise turns yellow-brown at the end of the capillary repair process (due to the bilirubin), which can last one to two weeks. But it can take longer in case of a big injury.

The repair of oedemas is done by detersion

The debridement necessarily prepares the terminal phase of repair-healing. If the debridement is incomplete, the acute inflammation will evolve into chronic inflammation.

This is the elimination of necrotic tissue and certain pathogens (infectious microorganisms, foreign bodies) by phagocytosis, while the edema fluid is drained into the lymphatic circulation and resorbed by the macrophages by pinocytosis.