Respuesta :

Europe is a continent that for some time now has had a problem with its population. The reason for it is that Europe's birthrates have been very low, not enough even for just maintaining the same number of population, as the birthrates are bellow 2 children per wife all countries apart from three. The only three countries where the average is more than 2 children per women are Ireland, Albania, and Kosovo, all of which are small countries with small populations. Also the life expectancy in Europe is relatively high, so the older population is constantly increasing, thus resulting in an aging population. Of course the elderly people will eventually pass away, and with the smaller and smaller number of youngsters and very low birthrates the continent will constantly lose more and more population.

Answer:   The percentage of people over the age of 65 and under the age of 15 in Europe is currently the same at 16% each. Therefore, the majority of the population is between the ages of 16 and 64. In forty years from now, in 2050, a greater percentage of the population will be over the age of 65. Europe also has a relatively long life expectancy of 75 years. This, combined with a low birth rate means that by 2050 Europe’s population will actually be less than it is today.
