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Correct answers
Which nation was divided into two countries by communist ideology after World War II?
- Korea
All of the following were pacts negotiated by representatives of both the United States and the Soviet Union except
- the Strategic Defense Initiative
Which U.S. action was President Truman justifying in this speech?
- deployment of forces to Korea
Which event involved the training of Cuban exiles by the Central Intelligence Agency?
- the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba
- Korea was divided in two at the end of World War II, with the Soviet Union occupying the north, and the United States occupying the south. Prior to World War II, Japan had been in control of the Korean peninsula.
- In 1983, President Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which was a plan for a space-based missile defense system against any threat of Soviet missiles. Sometimes people referred to Reagan's plan as "Star Wars," because of the original idea to use lasers. The plan ultimately developed into defensive missiles that could target and shoot down incoming offensive missiles. More than 200 billion dollars were devoted to the Strategic Defense Initiative over the next four decades after the program was started.
- When 90,000 North Korean troops crossed the 38th Parallel and attacked South Korea on June 25, 1950, the United Nations also went into action. An emergency session of the UN Security Council was held -- from which the Soviet Union was absent because the USSR was boycotting the UN over the exclusion of communist China from the organization. Truman announced to the American people that he was authorizing sending US troops to prevent South Korea from being overtaken by communism. The UN Security Council met again and approved a US resolution approving the use of force against North Korea. Military forces in the Pacific theater, based in Japan, were deployed in the effort. There was no formal declaration of war by the US Congress, but Congress did vote to extend the draft and also authorized the president to call up military reserve personnel for duty.
- Cuban exiles were trained by the USA's Central Intelligence Agency, with the intent of overthrowing Fidel Castro's communist government in Cuba. Within just three days in April, 1961, the force of exiles invading at the Bay of Pigs was soundly defeated by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, commanded by Castro. In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs affair, Cuba requested that the USSR (its communist sponsor) should place missiles in Cuba to deter further US-sponsored action against the Castro regime. That request, coupled with the fact of American missiles that were located in Europe, within striking distance of the USSR, prompted Nikita Khrushchev of the USSR to send the missiles to Cuba. And that became the "Cuban Missile Crisis" of 1962.