Describe the term romanticism. How is it evident in the poems of the era? Be sure to include information related to poems from at least two authors. Support your response with evidence related to form, sound, structure, and other poetic elements.

Respuesta :

Romanticism was a literary, artistic, and philosophical movement that originated in the first half of the 19th century as a reaction against neoclassicism. Some of the characteristics of this movements are:

*Exaltation of emotion over the intellect

*the awakening of feelings and imagination

*A yearning for the past

*Love of the strange, the remote, the exotic

As regards to the stylistics features, romanticism was characterized for:

*the abandonment of heroic couplet and the beginning of the blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter)

*a more natural language

*an intensified emotionalism

*an unrestrained imagination

The Mortal Immortal” by Mary Shelley (1833) and “The Preface to the Lyrical Ballads” by William Wordsworth (1801) are two good examples in which one can easily spot the main characteristics of the movement “Romanticism”.