Lesson Summary and Assessment Preteen girl using a laptop. You should now be familiar with the history and beliefs of Hinduism! It is now time for you to show off your creative side. Your assignment is to create a graphic representation of the caste system. Be creative! You can either draw or use a computer program to create your product. Your product must include: a graphic representation (pyramid for example) of the different levels of the Indian caste system an explanation of each of the groups that make up the Indian caste system an explanation of the ways the groups within the Indian caste system interact or relate to one another at least four sentences with answers to both of the Reflection Questions Reflection Questions:

1. Do you see a social structure in your school, church, or community? Cite examples and evidence that support your theory that a social structure exists in this environment.

2. What are the positives and negatives of having a social structure?

Respuesta :

1. Social structures are all around us. In terms of school, we can see a structure within the school staff. For example, a principal is higher in the hierarchy of power than a vice-principal, and a teacher is higher than a teacher assistant.

2. Social structures can be benefitial as they help us structure tasks and distribute power. Hierarchies, when based on merit, can also serve as ways to recognize the accomplishments of people. However, social structures also have negative effects. People can become obsessed with power and control, and abuse those that have less power. Social structures can also make social mobility difficult.