if someone can help me out with this that would be grate

Why did people begin migrating to the Northwest in the 1930s?

The Dust Bowl forced people to move.
The drought forced people to move.
People moved in search of work.
All of the above.

What caused the United States to enter World War II?

The attack on Pearl Harbor
The need for war supplies
Great Britain asked the United States to join.
The United States didn't join World War II.

Why were Japanese Americans relocated during the war?

They had deadly diseases.
They were threatening to destroy American companies.
People thought they might give aid to Japan.
They were breaking laws.

What finally ended World War II?

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
Ammunition ran low and the Germans surrendered.
The United States pulled its troops out.
The United States bombed Japan.

Respuesta :

Why did people begin migrating to the Northwest in the 1930s?

Option D) All of the above

During the Dust Bowl of Missisipi the weather destroyed nearly all crops farmers tried to grow on the Great Plains. The few crops that did survive were sold at such low prices that farmers could not earn a living. Therefore people thought it better to move towards Northwest to start a new life and find new economic opportunities.

What caused the United States to enter World War II?

Option 1) The attack on Pearl Harbor

The Unites States entered World War II on Allied side after a surprise attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The US declared war on Imperial Japan. Four days after that on Decemeber 11, 1941 Nazi Germany and Italy declared war on the United States, becuase they were fighting the war on Japanese side.

Why were Japanese Americans relocated during the war?

Option 3) People thought they might give aid to Japan

The United States placed Japanese Americans into internment camps becuase of the fear that those with ethnic and cultrual ties with Japan would aide Japan's cause in the war. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the American government doubted the loyalty of Japanese Americans.

What finally ended World War II?

Option 4) The United States bombed Japan.

By the end of July 1945, the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) was incapable of conducting major operations and an Allied invasion of Japan was imminent. However in order to avoid Amercian casualities in the invasion, the United States used nuclear bombs on Japanese cities of Hiroshami and Nagasaki on 6th and 9th August 1945, forcing Imperial Japan to surrender in Augsut 15, 1945, and formally signing the agreement on September 2nd, 1945.