Punnett square is a diagrammatic representation of genotypes of a distinct cross in organisms.
It is used to know the result of the genotype of the offspring having either having single or multiple traits.
The correct answers are:
1.Option C. 0%
The explanation of the above answer is:
In the Punnett square the cross is between the purebred dominant and purebred recessive parent.
This will result in all the offspring having a heterogeneous genotype trait carrying purple colour. Hence 0% will carry white colour.
2. Option D. 25%
It can be explained as:
Due to the presence of heterogenous parent species. It will result in 25% of offspring carrying white colour.
Therefore, in question 1, 0% of plants will be white while in another question 25% of the offspring will carry the white colour trait.
To learn more about the Punnett square click the link given below: