Respuesta :
Word Origin and History for debt. late 13c., dette , from Old French dete , from Latin debitum "thing owed," neuter past participle of debere "to owe," originally, "keep something away from someone," from de- "away" (see de-) + habere "to have" (see habit).
The Latin root of the word "debt" is the word "debĭta."
Debĭta is a Latin word that means to indebt, that is, it means something or an amount of money that is due to a person, a bank, a company, etc. in exchange for something received.
Debt is a concept originating in the Latin debĭta. Its meaning refers to a person's obligation to pay, repay or satisfy something (usually money) to another subject. Examples: "I am very worried because I do not know how I will pay my debts", "I have a debt of 2,000 euros with João", "The most important to not have financial problems is not to incur debt."