Respuesta :
The story of Cinderella is one of those that has been told and retold for centuries and in many countries and languages. It seems that the first version came from Greece, but the better-known versions of the story come from two sources. The first, and used by Disney for its movies, is the version written in French by Charles Perrault in 1697. In this version, the stepsisters do not meet a miserable end, but they are pardoned by their step-sister and married off to lesser lords, aside from becoming Cinderella´s ladies-in-waiting. On another alternate ending of this version, one stepsister is shown to be more considerate and nice to Cinderella and she becomes friends with Cinderella and her prince, while the other is exhiled. But in the version of the story by the Brothers Grimm in the 19th century, the end met by the stepsisters is sinister. First, in order for them to marry the prince, they both cut a part of their feet to fit the slipper. And second, once the plot is found and the prince marries Cinderella, during the wedding, the sisters are attacked by doves and they loose first one and then the second eye.
The answer should be "They get their eyes pecked out."