Lilly records the age, in years, and the height, in inches, of the starting players on the girls’ middle school basketball team.
She records them as ordered pairs (age, height): (11, 62), (12, 64), (13, 65), (13, 67), and (14, 68).
Is this relation a function?

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Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that,

The relation in the form of ordered pairs (age, height) is given by,

(11,62), (12,64), (13,65), (13,67) and (14,68).

'A function is a relation in which every element has a unique image'.

So, for the given relation to be a function, every element must have unique image.

But, For age 13, there are girls with 65 and 67 inches of height i.e. the ordered pairs (13,65) and (13,67) exists.

Thus, 13 does not have a unique image.

Hence, the given relation is not a function.