Respuesta :
2. B...How many beats are in the measure
3. Quarter note
4. Three
5. D...Half note
6. Alla breve
7. Quarter
8. Eighth
9. Meter
10. A...Alla breve, cut time
3. Quarter note
4. Three
5. D...Half note
6. Alla breve
7. Quarter
8. Eighth
9. Meter
10. A...Alla breve, cut time
2. The bottom number of a time signature tells
--- What kind of note equals one beat.
3. In the time signature 2/4, the ____ is equal to one beat.
---- quarter note
4. In compound meters, the beat is evenly divided into ___ parts.
--- Three
5. In cut time a(n) ____is equal to one beat.
--- half note
6. "Alla breve" is NOT a dynamic marking.
7. Eight ____ notes are rhythmically equivalent to a half note.
--- Sixteen
8. Three ____ notes are rhythmically equivalent to a dotted quarter note.
--- Eighth
9. ____ refers to the degree of complexity of one or more musical parts that occur simultaneously.
--- texture
10. Crescendo, diminuendo are NOT synonyms.
Measure :
A measure is defined as a segment of time in a piece of a music that is defined by beats.
Simple meters :
Each beat in a simple meter is a measure that can be broken into two half.
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