What recommendations would you give to your local community to help to decrease the local effects of human impact on the environment? List 2 recommendations and how they will positively impact your community. 3. What recommendations would you give to the global governments to help decrease the global effects of human impact on the environment? List 2 recommendations and how they will positively impact our planet.

Respuesta :

Every community has specific characteristics and human will impact environment accordingly to the type of economy and life style of the community.

Considering my community is inserted in a busy and big city with more than 500 thousand habitants I would recommend to my local community to use more public and private transport that are clear energy and to change from linear economy to circular economy.

This first measure about using clean energy transports will help spend less natural resources from fossil and reduce carbon emission, which will impact the air quality and temperature. The second measure reduce discharge of things in nature and promote effectively a more balanced exploration of natural resources.

Now my recommendations to the global governments is first to promote policies that release technologies, patents and products that reduce human impact considering them as human patrimony and allow them to be sold free of tax or rates; and second that they require all private and public organizations to include in their policies courses and training about human impact on the environment and the construction of plans for dealing with it daily. The positive impact of the release of technologies is more accessible resources that help the planet, because until now some technologies are very expensive as electrical cars or solar panels. The second recommendation will change how human impact the environment daily by their own views of possibility and understanding of the consequences of their actions.