The primary law consists of 4 sources that state the actual law. These include:
Constitution (federal or state) It is the United States Constitution and the Washington State Constitution. An example is the rights of the people established by the American Constitution.
From this source derives the Constitutional Law.
Statutes (laws enacted by legislatures and municipal codes enacted by local councils) It is the United States Code, Revised Code of Washington, King County Code, and the Seattle Municipal Code. An example could be a new bill. Legislators can enact a new bill but it needs to be approved by the president to actually become a bill.
From this source derives the Civil Law.
Cases (opinions handed down by courts) It is the United States and state appellate courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, and WA State Supreme Court. An example would be a court's written statement giving the reasons for the decision in a certain case such as murder, robbery or kidnapping.
From this source derives the Criminal Law.
Regulations ( administrative government agencies) These include the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, WA State Department of Social, and Health Services. An example would be regulations related to environment or tax issues.