Respuesta :
Question 7: according to the MLA citation style, the correct answer for an in-text citation is (Lee 47).
Question 8: One possible theme of Neruda's "We Are Many" is Learning to be at ease with oneself can be difficult. Neruda deals with the complexity of one's identity, its multiple layers and how trying to be coherent with oneself everytime can result in difficulty to be at ease wih oneself.
Question 9: Neruda says aboyt himself that He is many different traits within one person, as is everyone, and that those different aspects of our personalities are like travelling to different lands and different cultures. This answer is related to the previos one in question 8. Also, the references to "geography of self" are self-explanatory.
Question 10: The element that is not required in an introductory paragraph is Specific details. The introductory paragraph should startwith a hook that keeps the interest of the reader. You should also state your theses, what you are going to write about and with elements that allows the transition between the different arguments that support the thesis. However, you should not give specific details since those are going to be developed in the body of the essay.
Question 11: according to the MLA citation style, the bibliography entry would be the first one. Neruda, Pablo. "We Are Many." We Are Manym translated by Alastair Reid, Cape Goliard Press Ltd., pp12-13.
Question 12: in the first three stanzas of "We Are Many", Neruda shows himself as Foolish and cowardly. Dealing with the different layers of identity, Neruda shows that even though he wants to seem a brave and smart person, it is usually the other aspects that are shown.When he tries to be btter, it seems that another person comes out.
Question 13: Neruda's purpose is to encourage others not to be so hard on themselves as he has always been. The poem tries to convey the idea that you should accept the complexity of your identity and come to terms with it instead of bein so hard on you, since it can lead to suffering.