In Living to Tell the Tale, which of the following sentences from the second paragraph most strongly shows how the narrator feels about siestas?

a) “Stores, public offices, and schools closed at twelve and did not open again until a little before three.”

b) “Since I was a boy I had despised those inert siestas because we did not know what to do. ’Be quiet, we’re sleeping,’ the sleepers would murmur without waking.”

c) “Only the hotel across from the station, with its bar and billiard room, and the telegraph office behind the church remained open.”

d) “Everything was identical to my memories, but smaller and poorer, and leveled by a windstorm of fatality...”

Respuesta :

The answer is B.

 The sentence in option B most strongly shows how the narrrator in "Living to Tell the Tale' feels about siestas because it describes  his experience since he was a boy, and how he despised those inert siestas because he didn't know what to do while the sleepers murmured for him to be quiet. They wanted to sleep and he wanted to have something to do.

siesta : a rest or sleep taken after lunch, specially in hot countries.

inert : not moving or not able to move.




“Since I was a boy I had despised those inert siestas because we did not know what to do. ’Be quiet, we’re sleeping,’ the sleepers would murmur without waking.”