The Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917 called for the suppression of speech that criticized the war effort during World War I. Americas were imprisoned when accused and convicted of speaking out against the war.

What arguments could be made to support such a law?
What arguments could be made against such a law?

Respuesta :


  1. national security is paramount
  2. anti-war people might weaken war efforts of USA


  1. to ban freedom of speech is in contradiction to basic human rights of Americans guaranteed by US Constitution
  2. speaking against war does not put Americans at risk in any way,people are free to speak their opinions

 A good answer should contain the following:

Possible Answers:

  1.  In support: In a time of war dissenters could weaken the war effort. Speech that might hurt other Americans is not protected by the First Amendment

   2. Against: The first Amendment should protect even unpopular speech. Speaking out against a war doesn’t endanger other Americans. In a democracy people should be free to disagree with the governme