A scientist observes changes in a population of slow-moving animals over time. She hypothesizes that the population may be decreasing. To test her hypothesis, she will analyze the population using the / blank / method.
She finds that the population of this species is significantly decreasing. If this trend does not change, this species could become / blank /

Respuesta :

blank 1- scientific
blank 2- extinct


The correct answer is blank1: quadrant sampling, and blank2: endangered.


A scientist needs to test her hypothesis she needs to perform an experiment or test and for a slow-moving animal (like snail or earthworm) quadratic sampling is a perfect method. The quadrate method uses a closed plot of land to find the vegetation of plant or population percentage of animals present in that land.

A decreasing population of animal could be endangered if the trend will not change.

Thus, The correct answer is blank1: quadrant sampling, and blank2: endangered.