
Based on what you know about the enclosure of Great Britain in the 17th century, what impact do you think enclosure of the West in the United States will have in the 20th century? In your answer, explain the impact of British enclosure as well as explaining your prediction.

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Despite being re-elected in 1972, Nixon's political career ended abruptly two years later. After proving that the agents of the administration were spied on to the Democratic Convention at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, Nixon was forced to resign in August 1974. It was the "Watergate of the Scandal."

The United States is in one of the most complex moments of the twentieth century. The political crisis and social unrest were joined by a deep economic crisis aggravated by the price of oil agreed by OPEC in 1973. The economic stagnation, inflation and unemployment explain the failure of Republican Gerald Ford (1974-1976 ) and Democrat Jimmy Carter (1976-1980). The feeling of males increased with the series of setbacks suffered by US foreign policy: from the precipitous departure from Vietnam in 1975 to the assault and the taking of hostages at the US embassy in Tehran, after the triumph of Khomeini's revolution in Iran in 1979

The male settled with a strong political turn to the right. Ronald Reagan (1980-1988), representative of the most right wing of the Republican Party, won overwhelmingly in the 1980 elections. He initiated a new economic policy that called into question the consensus around the welfare state born with the New Deal and He had a military rearmament policy that precipitated Gorbachev's perestroika. Reagan, one of the most popular presidents of the twentieth century, left a country better prepared to face the new times, although more unequal. He was replaced by George Bush, father (1988-1992), also a Republican, who had to face a strong economic recession, aggravated by the huge deficit that Reagan left him. The economic difficulties explain, although Bush contemplated as president the end of the USSR, the great enemy for decades, the Republican president will fail in his attempt to be re-elected in 1992. The Democrats, with Bill Clinton, returned to the White House.

The impact of the act was that the land that was originally for the commoners was taken from them.

Regarding the Enclosure Act, the lands that belonged to the commoners were taken and turned into privately owned lands.

The lands were previously used for the grazing of animals and the growing of food. Since the land was taken, this led to the movement of the people to the cities.

Also, the impact that the enclosure of the West in the United States will have in the 20th century is that there'll be an increase in urbanization and a reduction in the number of people that are farmers.

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