The correct answer is:
¿Por qué vas a ir a la biblioteca?
When asking a question in Spanish, the correct expression is two separate words "POR QUÉ" the usage of the accent mark is imperative; "POR QUÉ" is the equivalent word for "WHY" in English.
Podemos ver el punto de vista
The noun "PUNTO" is a male noun so it should be written with "EL".
Mara le ha dicho la razón de su visita.
We can find 2 mistakes here. The first one is "A" it's missing the letter H, "HA" is the present perfect form of "HABER", in English "have done something". The second mistake is "POR", we need to change it for "DE".
Es importante que haya bastante plato para la fiesta.
Here is a common misspelling, "HALLA" with "LL" means to find or discover something (encontrar algo) and written as "HAYA" refers to the subjunctive verb "HABER" in Spanish.