can someone please help me translate this latin?
Marcus Delphos, qui est in Graecia, iter est facturus. Est Iter difficile, sed in Delphis sunt multa nova videre. Verba Apollinis audire cupit. Delphi est locus qui Apollini sacer est.
Pupulia fidei ex omnibus partibus terrae Delphos, domus dei. veniunt et auxilium petunt. Sacerdos Marco responsa verbis donabit. Etiam, in Delphis, templa, thesauros, et fontem sacrum Apollini Muisique visurus est. Tum, omnibus visis, Marcus discedet et si responsum erit verum videre exspectabit.

Respuesta :

Latin was the language of the romans who combined with the latins to make a stronger nation:Marcus Delphi, which is in Greece, traveling to do. The journey is difficult, but there are many things to see in Delphi. Apollo wants to hear the words. Delphi is where Apolonius it.

BOY faith in all parts of the land, the house of God. they come and seek help. Mark answers with a priest kiss. Also in Delphi temples and treasures, and a source of Apollo Muisique see them. Then after seeing Mark will depart and will wait to see if there will be a response.

Answer by YourHope:

Hi! :)

This is what your question translates to:

Marcus Delphi, which is in Greece, traveling to do. The journey is difficult, but there are many things to see in Delphi. Apollo wants to hear the words. Delphi is where Apolonius it.

BOY faith in all parts of the land, the house of God. they come and seek help. Mark answers with a priest kiss. Also in Delphi temples and treasures, and a source of Apollo Muisique see them. Then after seeing Mark will depart and will wait to see if there will be a response!

Have a BEAUTIFUL day~