Respuesta :

We can evaluate the growth of America through some of the following criterias:

Population Growth: The US population growth has obviously grown throughout the years, from a measly amount of 135 to a country of more than 300 million.

Economic Growth: The US has grown from a more farming society to a more industrial based country & had risen to be one of the world's largest economic "centers" and "powerhouses" (though other countries are slowly catching up)

Military Growth: Without doubt, the US we know today has one of the most modern armies the world has ever seen. However, this was not always the case, as the US during the Revolutionary War and the first few presidency saw a ragtag group of troops that with semper fidelis and courage to take on the largest world power during the time: the UK.

Relationship growth with other countries: Through out the history of the US, we can see the US try to default from be an isolationist country to building ties with other countries through trade. For the good part of the beginning and the nearer to the present, we see that the US tried to grasp relations with other nations and become allies. However, in times such as the interlude between WWI & WWII as well as the beginning of WWII (as well as other places), we see that the US followed an isolationist policy, and tried to close itself off from the outside world.

> These are just a few ways we can evaluate the growth of America.
