Read this sentence from the excerpt from Twelve Years a Slave: Whether they were accessory to my misfortunes—subtle and inhuman monsters in the shape of men—designedly luring me away from home and family, and liberty, for the sake of gold—those who read these pages will have the same means of determining as myself. What is the figurative meaning of the words and phrases in the sentence? How does the imagery and symbolism in the sentence affect its meaning? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be one or two complete paragraphs.

Respuesta :

"Whether they were accessory to my misfortunes—subtle and inhuman monsters in the shape of men—designedly luring me away from home and family, and liberty, for the sake of gold—those who read these pages will have the same means of determining as myself."

What is the figurative meaning of the words and phrases in the sentence?

The narrator is talking about his experiences as a slave. In this paragraph, he refers to his "owner or owners" as cruel, inhuman, avaricious,  "monsters" that do not care at all about him as a person or the fact they took him away from his family to use him as a instrument or object to work for them in their own terms, to seek for gold, without caring in any way for what he thinks or feels, or whatever he needs.

How does the imagery and symbolism in the sentence affect its meaning?

The imagery and symbolism used by the narrator of the story, really makes the reader to take and empatethic position towards his situation. Family, liberty and a good quality of life are elements every human being will seek in every situation, so the way in which the writer presents his argument, makes the reader easily relate to the feelings produced by the lack of them. It is not hard for the reader to place himself in "his shoes" and understand the hard feelings the narrator has developed towards his enslaver.

Regardless of whether they were accomplice to my mishaps inconspicuous and brutal beasts looking like men-designedly attracting me away from home and family, and freedom, for gold-the individuals who read these pages will have similar method for deciding as myself."

What is the figurative meaning of the words and phrases in the sentence?

  • The storyteller is discussing his encounters as a slave. In this section, he alludes to his proprietors as horrible, cruel, voracious, beasts that couldn't care less with regards to him personally or the reality they removed him from his family to involve him as an instrument.

  • He also symbolises object to work for them in their own terms, to look for gold, without minding in any capacity for what he thinks or believes, or anything he wants.

How does the imagery and symbolism in the sentence affect its meaning?

  • The symbolism and imagery utilized by the storyteller of the story, truly makes the peruser to take and empatethic position towards his circumstance.

  • Family, freedom and a decent personal satisfaction are components each individual will look for in each circumstance, so the manner by which the author presents his contention, makes the peruser effectively connect with the sentiments delivered by the absence of them.

  • It isn't difficult for the peruser to put himself in "his shoes" and comprehend the bad sentiments the storyteller has created towards his enslaver.

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