
How were slaves transported to the New World from Africa? What were conditions like on the Middle Passage? How is loose packing different from tight packing? Why did doctors examine the slaves before they were purchased in Africa? What happened once the ships arrived in the West Indies? About how many slaves were transported over the Middle Passage? What was the triangular trade?

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1.Slaves were transported from Africa to the New World on a voyage that was called the Middle Passage. This route went from Africa to the West Indies to port cities in America.

2.Slaves were stuffed into ships with no room to move or breathe. They were closed below decks with minimal holes to breathe air. They were fed twice a day and dead bodies were thrown overboard.

3.Loose packing meant fewer slaves per ship and tight packing meant more slaves per ship. Those who favored loose packing hoped more slaves would arrive alive. Those who favored tight packing believed they were more profitable in transporting more slaves overall.

4.They made recommendations about which slaves would be likely to survive the passage.

5.They were cleaned and fed and sold to their final destination in America. Those that weren’t sold were left for dead.

6.It’s believed between 10 and 20 million Africans.

7.Slaves were transported from Africa to the Americas. Sugar, tobacco, and cotton were transported from America to Europe. Textiles, rum, and manufactured goods were transported from Europe to Africa.

Slaves were transported from Africa to the New World by ships. Unfortunately Many died during the months on the sea. Since they were chained up, many urined on themselves and caused deadly diseases.

On the Middle Passage, the conditions were horrible. Man were stripped head to toe and examined before entering the ship. They got chained up and were force to be packed together so tight that many had to lay down or sit or crouch.

Loose packing is different from tight packing because loose packing had fewer slaves on ship while tight packing was cramped.

Doctors examined slaves before they were being purchased because they knew healthy slaves would have a better chance of surviving on ships.

Once the ships arrived at the West Indies, they were transferred into barns. Some farmers and traders tried to clean them up and get them healthy so they would get bought easier.

About 12.5 million were brought onto the ships. 1.8 million died so they got thrown into the ocean.

The triangular trade is a multilateral trading system where one country pays for its imports and another pays for its exports from another country.