Describe the religious controversy that sparked conflict between Irish Catholic immigrants and native-born Protestants in Philadelphia during the 1840s.

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During a period of economic depression, the tension involving protestants and catholics around the world made its way into the United States. Irish and German Catholics who were struggling in their home countries decided to move to the United States seeking for a better life. As a result, American protestants in low-paying jobs were being replaced by those immigrants that were willing to work for very little money so they could survive. The Philadelphia Nativist Riots that happened in 1844 were a result of the increase of the anti-Catholic sentiment and the rising of immigrant population in America. About 5 months before the conflict, nativists were spreading a false rumor that these Catholic immigrants were planning on removing bibles from American public schools. The whole thing led to violence and deadly riot that resulted in the burning of Catholic churches and other buildings.