
Explain why the reform efforts of the 1800s can be seen as a natural progression within American society

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The age of reform was characterized by a rage for improvements in the conditions and/or the treatments of certain groups of people who had been neglected by society, such as slaves, women and the physically disabled. This awakening in American society can be seen as a natural progression since it represents the evolution of civilization and the birth of the Americans' consciousness as a whole.

Many bad laws and social evils were banned in the 1800s which made the American society more just for men and women both such as:

  1. slavery:slave trade was stopped and slavery was abolished
  2. Era of prohibition on binge drinking
  3. Improving public education:people came to know of their rights and responsibilities of society
  4. Women's Rights Movement: Suffrage Movement:Women got the right to vote just like men.
  5. The Utopian Communities: ideal communities that will help motivate and inspire other communities.