
Huntington's disease is caused by an autosomal dominant allele. It is a lethal
disease, but it persists in the human population. Which of the following statements best describes why?

a. Huntington's disease is sex-linked and every human has at least one ; chromosome; thus, the chances are extremely high for this allele to be maintained in the human population.
b. Huntington's disease presents symptoms that resemble cases reflecting a lack of dominance in some individuals; in those cases, the allele is passed on to the offspring.
c. While lethal to a parent, Huntington's disease will not be lethal to the offspring since it can skip a generation.
d. Huntington's disease presents symptoms in humans after many have already reproduced; therefore, they are unaware that they passed on Huntington's disease.
e. Huntington's disease can be treated in humans that are heterozygous for the condition, but individuals who are homozygous cannot receive treatments; thus, they pass on the alleles to their offspring.