Your formative assessments and classroom observations show that Stella is a student in your class who exhibits a great interest in listening to stories during shared reading, yet she does not have any motivation to read otherwise. She often states that she doesn't like to read. What else do you need to learn about Stella's reading habits and skills? How would you use that information to support her reading development?

Respuesta :

Nowadays, teachers have a crucial rol in education. They are not transfering concepts and knowlegde anymore. Now, they are playing the roles of facilitators, monitors and motivators. As a result, teachers must find the way to facilite, monitor and motivate student's learning.  Reading is a crucial skill in learning and from children is very important to teach them the importance of reading.

One way in which teachers know more about their students is conducting surveys in classroom. In this way, it is easier to identify student's interests, necessities, learning styles and intelligences.

Accordingly, the teacher must identify Stella's tastes, learning needs, learning style and intelligences. In addition, it is very important to know how reading is taken at home and if parents can help Stella in her learning process. You can use some test to help in this process.

Analyzing the information obtained so far, we can identify that Stella has a style of auditory learning instead of visul. Therefore, a useful strategy may be to use audiobooks to motivate her to read.