Respuesta :
1. A covenant is a solemn and binding agreement, For instance, the Mayflower compact.
2. Ruth was the ancestor of David and Jesus. She was King David´s grandmother.
3. Zealots were were an aggressive political party made up of anti-Roman Jews
4. Circumcision is a token of the Abrahamic Covenant. It is a symbol of cleanliness before God.
5. Moses is type of Christ the Deliverer. He led the Israelites out of Egypt.
6. Esther protector of the Jews. She persuaded the king to stop for the general annihilation of Jews throughout the Persian empire.
7. Napoleon's Egyptian campaign brought back the Rosetta Stone.
8. Hadrian and Aelia Capitolina.Emperor Hadrian ruled Aelia Capitolina, a Roman Colony whose siege led to the Bar Kochba revolt.
9. Church of the Nativity is in Bethlehem where Jesus was born.
10. The holocaust was the great or widespread destruction generated by Adolf Hitler.
11. Siloam Inscription tells of a tunnel that would bring water from outside the city into Jerusalem.
12. Moses Mendelssohn translated the Pentateuch into German.
13. Samuel was a prophet and judge of Israel.
14. Archaeology is the study of ancient things.
1. Covenant- solemn and binding agreement
2. Ruth- ancestor of David and Jesus
3. Zealots- anti-Roman Jews
4. Circumcision- token of the Abrahamic Covenant
5. Moses- type of Christ the Deliverer
6. Esther- protector of the Jews
7. Rosetta Stone- Napoleon's Egyptian campaign
8. Bar Kochba revolt- Hadrian and Aelia Capitolina
9. Bethlehem- Church of the Nativity
10. Holocaust- great or widespread destruction
11. Jerusalem- Siloam Inscription
12. Moses Mendelssohn- translated the Pentateuch into German
13. Samuel- prophet and judge of Israel
14. Archaeology- the study of ancient things
1. In biblical times, the covenant was considered as the most binding solemn agreement between two parties, most notably between God and his people, the Israelites.
2. Ruth, the mother of Obed, was the great grandmother of King David. She was the ancestor of David, who in turn is later the ancestor of Jesus Christ.
3. Zealots is a political party comprised of anti-Roman Jews who are in opposition to the occupation of Israel by the Romans.
4. The act of circumcision is the token of covenant that Abraham was asked to do by God when he went to live in Canaan. Genesis 17:13 says "Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant."
5. Moses was the pre-figure that resembles the type of Christ the Deliverer. He delivered the God's people which is Israelites out of Egypt from Pharaoh during his time
6. Esther, the queen of the Persian King Xerxes who replaced Queen Vashti. She was a Jew who stoped the annihilation of all Jews in kingdom.
7. Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign brought the Rosetta Stone. This stone was discovered during the Egyptian campaign under Napoleon, a black basalt slab of stone, it later helped in learning about the ancient Egyptian language and history.
8. Aelia Capitolina is the capital colony built under the rule of Emperor Hadrian in Jerusalem. This where Bar Kochba revolt took place between 132-136 AD.
9. Nazareth in Bethlehem is the location of the Church of the Nativity, the place of Jesus Christ's birth.
10. Holocaust was the extreme torture and discrimination faced by the Jews under the German Nazi reign. This holocaust period during world war II was a period of widespread terror, death and destruction. It is mostly regarded as one of the greatest genocide of all times.
11. Siloam Inscription is a slab of inscribed text found in the tunnel in Siloam near East Jerusalem. This ancient Hebrew inscription has a description of the cutting and completion of the tunnel in Siloam which was first ordered by King Hezekiah.
12. Moses Mendelssohn was a German Jewish philosopher who translated the Pentateuch into German. He is widely known for his translation of the Psalms into German, he also championed for the cause of the civil rights of the Jewish people.
13. The Prophet Samuel was a prophet as well as judge of Israel. He was considered as a messenger of God's word to the people of Israel, giving them advice, or warning them whenever they do any wrong. He also anointed David and Saul when they were chosen to be King of the Israelites.
14. Archaeology is the study of the history of human and prehistoric times, it involves the excavation of the ancient grounds and finding relics during that period.