D. Same energy level but different sublevel.
There are four quantum numbers [1]:
- n, the principal quantum number,
- l, the orbital angular momentum quantum number,
- [tex]m_l[/tex], the magnetic quantum number, and
- [tex]m_s[/tex], the electron spin quantum number.
As their names might suggest:
- n determines the main energy level of an electron.
- l determines the type of sublevel of an electron.
- Each sublevel might contain more than one orbital. [tex]m_l[/tex] gives the orbital of an electron.
- Each orbital contains up to two electrons. [tex]m_s[/tex] tells two electrons in the same orbital apart.
The two electrons in question come from the same atom. The question suggests that they have the same n, [tex]m_l[/tex], and [tex]m_s[/tex]. As a result, both electrons are in main energy level n = 3. They share the same spin.
However, the two electrons differ in their value of l.
- l = 2 for the first electron. It belongs to a d sublevel.
- l = 1 for the second electron. It belongs to a p sublevel.
[1] Kamenko, Anastasiya, et. al, "Quantum Numbers", Physical & Theoretical Chemistry, Chemistry Libretexts, 24 Mar 2017.