I really need help. Please help me! Complete the chart about British actions that lead the colonies to independence.

The Sugar Act / 1764/ a revenue-raising act regulated by the Parliament of Great Britain which started earlier with the Molasses Act in 1733. It imposed a tax of six pence per gallon of molasses. / Boston merchants agreed to stop buying British luxury imports and it increased the colonial manufacturing. ON 1766 is was repealed and replaced by the Revenue Act.
The Currency Act / 1751 and 1764/ regulation of paper money issued by the colonies of British America/ The creation of the colonies' own currency let the British power out of their economy which raised the tension between the colonies and Great Britain even more.
The Stamp Act / 1765 / direct tax on the British colonies which required that every material to be produced had to carry an embossed revenue stamp. / It produced many boycotts of British goods, riots and attacks to tax collectors.
The Quartering Act / 1765 / it required to host, feed and supply British troops in barracks, houses or local inns provided by the colonies./ Colonists in America reacted very negatively because they consider it an invasion of their homes. This contributed to the anger that led to the revolution.
The Townshend Act / 1767-68/ they were a series of five British Acts whose intentions were to raise revenues on America to pay governors so that they would remain loyal to GB, enforce trade regulations, punish New York for failing with the Quartering Act and to establish that the British Parliament had the right to tax their colonies. / They faced with resistance that eventually ended in the Boston Massacre of 1770.
The Declaratory Acts / 1766/ It was a measure taken by the British Parliament which enhanced its authority to make laws and create taxes. It is a reaction of the BP to the failure of the Stamp Act.
The Tea Act/ 1773/ It was a law issued by the BP to reduce the amount of tea held by British East India Company which was troubled at that moment. Also, it's aim was to undercut the price of illegal tea on the colonies. / Many colonists opposed and it led to the Boston Tea Party.
The Coercive Acts / 1774/ They were a series of laws as a punishment and warning of the Boston Tea Party. / Colonist consider it a violation of their constitutional and natural rights. This encouraged colonists to form the First Continental Congress.
The Quebec Act/ 1774/ It was a law of the BP which set procedures of governance in the Province of Quebec in America./ Americans accused it of promoting the growth of Catholicism and cutting off their freedom and traditional rights. It was finally suppressed by the Constitutional Act of 1791.